Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Can-Do House

The Home Builders Association of Greater Spartanburg, in partnership with Ingles, YouthBuild Spartanburg, Stock Building Supply, MY 102.5, and WSSL 100, announces the construction of the “Can Do House” at the upcoming 7th Annual Home and Garden Show at WestGate Mall.

This “house” constructed out of cans will benefit two local worthy charities: Miracle Hill Food Bank and the Second Presbyterian Church Soup Kitchen. To encourage donations, any person who brings 5 or more canned good items to the Home and Garden Show will be eligible to enter a drawing for a $500 gasoline gift card!

“Can Do House” Chairman Dale Burnett says, “The HBA of Greater Spartanburg is pleased to have the opportunity to give back to the community by supporting such worthwhile charities. We are keenly aware of the impact these two charities have in our community, and we hope our involvement will increase both awareness and contributions.”

The framing of the house – constructed by YouthBuild students using donated materials – has already begun, and it will be transported to WestGate Mall Thursday morning, February 5th. Each day, the donated cans will be added to the structure. Visitors to the Show can watch the house grow, and they are encouraged to return Sunday to see the final product!

“We are elated at this unique partnership. Ingles has been exceedingly generous in their contribution of canned foods and the offer to match Laura Lynn brand donations collected at the ‘Can Do House’ while YouthBuild Spartanburg undertook the construction and painting of the frame of the House. To see all of these entities working together to benefit the hungry in Spartanburg County is such a blessing,” said Jennifer Bradey, Executive Officer of the Home Builders Association of Greater Spartanburg.

The Upstate’s only FREE Home and Garden Show will be held February 5 – 8, 2009 at WestGate Malls. Show hours are 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Thursday to Saturday and 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. For more information on the Show, please visit

Showhomes will have a booth at the show, please come and see us!

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